1055:Happy Birthday!

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Today is the birthday of sy,but jg remember it just two days ago.But jg has a lot of things to do.Now he wants to buy her a birthday present.

He has a n tons of gold.Although,jg can buy almost everything in this world with this gold,but he still think that is not convenient enough,because he wanted to buy a lot of things.Just like if he would like to buy an evening dress with m tons,the man who sold evening dress need to pay back jg n-m tons of gold.jg hope that he could buy everything he can afford without any change.So he decide to cut this gold into pieces.Now he would like to know the number of the pieces he need to cut in order to make his fulfill the requirement.The number of the gold pieces should be as small as possible.The tons of each piece of the gold should be an integer after cutting.


The first line of the data is an integer T(1<=t<=100),which is the number of the text cases.

Then T cases follow,each case contains an integer N (1<=N<=10^10)indicated the tons of the gold.


For each case,output the number of the gold pieces he need to cut. 








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